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Edita wears | Double Denim

Edita-in-Bf's-Shirt,-Asos-pearls,-RosaRed-necklace-New-Look-shoes,-Chanel-bag-and-glasses-6Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 8Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 4Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glassesEdita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 9Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 3Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 2Edita-in-Bf's-Shirt,-Asos-pearls,-RosaRed-necklace-New-Look-shoes,-Chanel-bag-and-glasses-5Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 7Edita in Bf's Shirt, Asos pearls, RosaRed necklace New Look shoes, Chanel bag and glasses 1

Bag, earrings and glasses: Chanel, Denim: Levi’s (c/o House of Fraser), Pumps: New Look, Necklace: c/o RosaRed, Pearls: Asos
Images by Ahmed Fayed

“I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: The most spectacular, the most practical, the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity – all I hope for in my clothes.”
Yves Saint Laurent

And so I walk in the park and gardens where Anne Boleyn used to walk. While the Tudors went on pleasant strolls in their finery and pearls, I go in double denim and let the pearls remain. In today’s terms, I am overdressed. I can’t decide whether that’s funny or sad.

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39 Responses

  1. Not many people get away with denim on denim, but the pearls on this look give the rigth edge to get away with it… And of course you could almost where anything and still look fabulous.

    I’m a little envious that you have been in those gardens! Anne Boleyn is such an intruiging figure…

  2. It looks so lovely! Hampton Court is right by my house and I’ve still never been.. I must get there whilst the flowers are still in bloom X

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